"Ninety percent of all sickness will never touch you and
will normally leave your body if your mind is at perfect peace."
Dr. Alex Carrel, M.D., Nobel Prize Recipient
will normally leave your body if your mind is at perfect peace."
Dr. Alex Carrel, M.D., Nobel Prize Recipient
researchers generally agree that most people in the hospital are there because of
a sickness that is psychosomatic. In other words, their physical symptoms and
ailments are rooted in stress, anxiety or trauma of the mind and emotions.
One of the pioneers in
research concerning the effect of the mind on the body, Dr. Alex Carrel,
stated, “Ninety percent of all sickness will never touch you and will normally
leave your body if your mind is at perfect peace.” This was not a faith statement,
but a statement based on his scientific research for which he won a Nobel Prize
in 1912 (Hyatt, 3 Keys to Anwered Prayer, 10).
S.I Macmillan, the
medical doctor who wrote None of These
Diseases, made the same point and emphasized that if we want to be
physically well we must live without anger, worry, frustration and fear. To
make his point, he said, “It’s not what you are eating, it’s what’s eating you.”
I Experience the Power of “Perfect
I learned this truth in a
very dramatic way during a 3½ year battle for my health and life. I learned
that when mind was at rest and peace, the frightening symptoms in my body—chest
pains and heart palpitations—would subside and at times completely disappear,
depending on the depth of peace I experienced.
For example, at the onset
of the First Gulf War in 1990, I had been experiencing chest pains, heart
palpitations and loss of energy for about one year and had found it necessary
to suspend my teaching-preaching ministry. It was a very tying time.
Nonetheless, with
American troops about to invade Iraq, I was deeply burdened and went
to a nearby indoor walking track to walk and pray for their safety. As I walked
around the track and prayed, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me in an unusual manner and I began to weep and intercede in the Spirit, including with other tongues.
As I walked and prayed,
the Peace and Presence of God flooded and filled my being. I experienced that “perfect
peace” promised by God in Isaiah 26:3. You
will keep him [or her] in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You.
In that place of “perfect
peace” every symptom disappeared from my body. Although that has been almost 29
years ago, I vividly recall how wonderful it was to lie down that night with my
mind at “perfect peace” and my body free of all those frightening symptoms.
the Symptoms Returned
24 hours, however, the symptoms returned. Their disappearance was not a healing
but merely my body’s response to my mind and heart experiencing that “perfect
peace” of Isaiah 26:3.
happened several times during this 3½ year battle. It gave me an understanding
of why some people think they lose their healing. What often happens is that a
sick one goes to an upbeat, emotionally-charged meeting where they forget their
worries and their mind and emotions are encouraged and lifted.
that place of peace, the physical symptoms disappear, and they mistakenly think
they are physically healed. When they leave that atmosphere, the symptoms
return, and they assume they have lost their healing. Not necessarily so! They
probably merely experienced the positive, physical effects of their mind being
worry-free for that short period of time.
Had to Learn to Nurture Both Faith and Peace
my battle of faith, I had to come to a place where my faith was not in whether
I had symptoms or not. I had to come to the place where my faith was in God’s
promise apart from what was happening in my body. I did not deny the symptoms,
but I could not allow them to occupy my attention nor be the determining factor
for my faith
nurture peace, I began memorizing and meditating on Biblical promises of peace.
Remembering Dr. Carrell’s statement about the effect of “perfect peace” on the
body, I continually thought on Isaiah 26:3, mentioned above, which says, You will keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on You.
14:27 also became very important to me. Just before departing this world, Jesus
gave a wonderful promise to His followers. He said,
Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your
heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
and other promises of peace became very precious to me as I battled for my health. I would go to sleep at
night meditating on them. If I awakened in the night attacked by fear, I would
begin thinking on these verses. If the attack was severe, I would get out of
bed, walk the floor and speak these verses aloud.
Must Discipline Our Thought Life
learned that I had to work at disciplining my thought life. I realized that I
could not afford the luxury of entertaining thoughts of doubt, fear and worry.
I began putting into practice II Corinthians 10:3-5, which reads,
though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons of
our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of
strongholds, casting down arguments [imaginations] and every high thing that
exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into
captivity to Christ.
saw this as putting on the helmet of salvation as Paul exhorted in Ephesians
6:17. The Roman helmet fit down over the head and protected the cranial area
from darts and spears. I now saw this helmet as a symbolic picture of the
disciplined and renewed mind that casts down imaginations and brings every
thought captive to Christ. I realized that I must never relax and take off my
My Testimony to the Power of Peace

she was doing other work on her PC, I sat and meditated on all the Scriptures
of peace I had memorized. She then took another reading and it had dropped. She
then chose to wait a couple more minutes and take it again, and when she did,
it was normal. I have had this experience more than once.
Thirty Years Later
After 3½ years of
learning to live in peace, standing on God’s promises and living a more-healthy
lifestyle, I finally gained the confidence to take a preaching opportunity. As I pulled out on the highway, I heard the Holy Spirit speak in my heart, “Your health is
restored.” The symptoms left my body and now, almost 30 years later, I am physically
well and taking no medication. To God be the glory!
This article was derived
from Dr. Eddie Hyatt’s latest book, 3 Keys to Answered Prayer, available from
Amazon in both paperback and kindle. To learn more about his ministry and
his vision for another Great Awakening in our generation, go to his website at www.eddiehatt.com.
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