I am sure you have heard the adage,
“Hindsight is 20/20.” Almost 30 years ago I was desperate for a miracle of
healing, but the miracle did not come. In hindsight, it is now obvious that an
instantaneous miracle of healing would have been a very unkind thing for God to
have done for me, and I would probably be dead today.
gave me something I needed more than a miracle. Here’s why I am thankful that
the miracle did not come in that situation.
Am Desperate for a Miracle
was the Fall of 1989 when sharp pains began shooting through my chest along
with a sickness and nausea in my stomach. At the same time my heart began
skipping and palpitating and I could feel it beating and sputtering in my neck,
arms and shoulders. My energy level plummeted and I would literally “see stars”
as a result of merely walking across a room.
11 p.m. my body began to shake and tremble uncontrollably. Sue called 911 and
an ambulance arrived to take me to the hospital, but I decided not to go since
I did not have medical insurance and because I had a fear that they would want
to immediately cut open my chest and do heart surgery.
I considered myself a person of faith, having cut my spiritual teeth on books
of faith and healing by Kenneth Hagin, T.L. Osborn, Smith Wigglesworth, F.F.
Bosworth and others. I had preached faith and healing for many years and had
seen God heal others though my prayers.
therefore, decided to take my stand on God’s promises of healing and began reading
and confessing healing Scriptures day after day and week after week. Despite my
diligent faith declarations, the symptoms persisted, and the mental battle
raged on night and day.
Had to Reverse the Process
was looking for an instantaneous miracle of healing, but it did not come.
However, around 3 months into this battle of faith, when I was wondering why
God was not responding to my prayers and faith declarations, I heard the Holy
Spirit speak in my heart, “You will come
out of this by reversing the process that got you into it.”
immediately and intuitively knew what He meant. Firstly, I knew that I would
not be given a miracle of healing. Secondly, I knew that if I was going to be
healed, I would have to make some changes. It was not the devil that had
brought on this sickness; it was my own unhealthy lifestyle that was finally
catching up with me.
began to study nutrition, especially my wife, Susan, who went out and bought a
Champion juicer. We began buying 50-pound bags of carrots along with bags of
spinach, celery and apples. I drank so much carrot juice that my skin turned
addition to juicing, we also began eating differently. I also began
disciplining my mind to think on those things that are good, lovely, pure and
of a good report as Paul admonished in Philippians 4:8. I also began to
exercise, as much as I dared in my condition, and received specific direction
in this regard.
continued to stand on God’s promises as I made the directed changes. Over the
next 3½ years there were intense battles but also those times when He broke through
with encouragement and specific directives. I recount these in my book, 3 Keys to Answered Prayer.
Lessons Learned
big lesson I learned from this experience is that we cannot live unhealthy
lifestyles year after year and expect God to bail us out with a miracle of
healing every time our body breaks down. Somewhere along the way, He is going
to require us to take responsibility.
also learned that God has an individualized path to healing for each of us if
we sincerely seek Him. Some will receive an instantaneous miracle of healing,
but many will not. Nonetheless, if we seek the Healer, and not just healing, I
am confident that He will set us on a path of healing that is personalized just
for us.
my situation, I made the lifestyle changes He required. Then, after 3½ years of
standing in faith and walking out the new and healthier lifestyle, I heard the
Holy speak to my heart, “Your health is restored.” The frightening symptoms
disappeared and now, 30 years later at 72 years of age, I am well and taking no
is 20/20

I am thankful that God did not give me a miracle of healing in that situation. In
His kindness and goodness, He set me on a path that would bring long-term
health and blessing into my life. What an incredible God we serve!
article is derived from Dr. Eddie Hyatt’s latest book, 3 Keys to Answered Prayer, available from Amazon in both paperback
and kindle. Dr. Hyatt has a vision for America and her Reawakening. To learn
more, visit his website at www.eddiehyatt.com.
This is a word in season for me. Thank you Lord.