In my latest book, 3 Keys to Answered Prayer, I tell about
an intense 3½ year battle of faith for my health and my life. In this battle I
arrived at one final obstacle that I could not see any way through, around or
The breakthrough came in finding the secret place with God of which the
Psalmists speaks in Psalm 91:1. He wrote,
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High,
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
It is Just You
and God in the Secret Place

In the secret
place with God, it is you and Him alone. Jacob found his secret place with God at a time of great distress when he heard that Esau was coming to meet him with 400 men. He sent everyone away and Genesis 32:24 says, Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man
wrestled with him until the break of day. The succeeding verses reveal that
this was none other than God Himself with whom Jacob was wrestling.
But notice, it
was just Jacob and God. No one else is involved. This is not about Abraham or
Isaac or even Esau. This was between Jacob and God, and them alone. Jacob found
his own “secret place” with God that night, and both his name and destiny were
How I Fonnd the Secret Place
My final obstacle to faith for
healing was tied to the fact that many of the faith-building books I was
reading had been written by people who had died of sickness or who had gone
through sicknesses from which they were not healed. Having studied revival movements
in church history I knew, for example, that John G. Lake, whose books had
greatly helped me, had died of a stroke at the age of 64.
I also knew that Jack Coe, one of the
great healing evangelists of the 1950s, had died of polio at the age of 38. Smith
Wigglesworth, whose writings were also faith building, had endured a painful
ordeal with kidney stones. He did not receive healing for the condition and
finally passed them through his urinary tract in a painful and grueling process
that took over 2 years. Neither did his daughter ever receive healing from
Realities like
these raised the question in my mind: “If these people of such great faith were
not healed, who am I to think that I will be healed by God?” I struggled with
The breakthrough
came when I found my own secret place
with God. In that secret place with
God, I cried out,
Oh God, I don’t know why John G. Lake
died of a stroke nor why Smith Wigglesworth was not healed of kidney stones or
why his daughter was never healed of deafness. I don’t know why healing
evangelists like Jack Coe died of polio and Kathryn Kuhlman died of heart
failure. But Lord, I don’t have to know! That is between You and them! This is
between You and me. I am here in Your presence with Your promises. This is not
about anyone else. This is about You and me and the promises You have made.
As I fellowshipped with God around
His word, I found a faith that was not tied to anyone else’s experience. My
faith became rooted in my relationship with Him as never before. I found my own
secret place with God, and healing for body and soul.
In the Secret Place We
Come to Know Him
Although it was a very trying 3½ years, and I would never want to go through it again, I would not take for the lessons I learned. The work that God did in my heart during that time was priceless. In the secret place I found with Him, it didn’t matter what had happened to this one or that one; it was now just God and me and His word and promises.
In the secret place I came to know the Lord in a way I had not known Him before, This is God's desire for each of us, for in John 17:3 Jesus prays to His Father that His followers may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. The word “know” in this passage is the Greek word ginosko and it refers to a knowing that is not merely intellectual but is rooted in an intimate relationship between the knower and the object known.
In the secret place I came to know the Lord in a way I had not known Him before, This is God's desire for each of us, for in John 17:3 Jesus prays to His Father that His followers may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. The word “know” in this passage is the Greek word ginosko and it refers to a knowing that is not merely intellectual but is rooted in an intimate relationship between the knower and the object known.
This same word, ginosko, is used of the intimate, physical
relationship between a husband and wife. For example, it is the word used by
the Septuagint translators in Genesis 4:1 that says, Now Adam knew (ginosko) his wife and she conceived and bore Cain. It
is also the word used in Matthew 1:24-25 where we are told that Joseph did not know Mary until she had brought forth
the Lord Jesus.
This is the same word
used by Paul in Philippians 3:10 where he says that his burning passion in life
is to know (ginosko) Christ. Paul wanted more than anything else to know Christ and live in
that secret place with Him,
How about you? Have you
found your own secret place with God? In that secret place we find a faith that is not shaken by other's opinions and experiecnces. In that secret place, we abide under the protection of the Almighty and are
nourished by His own life.
Dr. Eddie Hyatt’s latest
book, 3 Keys to Answered Prayer, is available from Amazon in both paperback and kindle. To learn more about his vision for another Great Awakening in America and around the world, visit his website at .
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