Monday, September 5, 2016


Foreword to Paul Women and Church
by Susan Stubbs Hyatt
D.Min., MA, MA, BCA, Cert. Life Coach, Lic. Teacher.
President/CEO, God’s Word to Women, Inc.
“God, why do you hate me?” asked a young lady when she read the translation of Paul’s words. A new believer from Romania, she was studying the New Testament after having recently accepting Jesus as her Savior and Lord. And when she arrived at Paul’s writings, she was stunned by what he seemed to be saying about her, as a woman. It was so different from the acceptance and joy that faith in the Lord Jesus had given her. She was confused and demoralized.
Thank God! She was enrolled in one of Eddie’s courses in Bible college and heard the truth. The truth that you will read in this book witnessed with her heart and revived the Life of the Spirit in her inner being. No more confusion!
Whether we are willing to acknowledge it or not, this woman’s experience of suppression and subordination is repeated in the lives of most Christian women, with varying degrees of intensity. That is to say, what we experience “in the Spirit” is so opposite to what we are told that the Bible says about us as women.
This is the fault of ill-informed Church leaders who willingly take Paul’s writings out of context and impose ideas opposite to what Paul himself believed, lived, and taught. It is the fault of traditional translation and interpretation informed by the pagan thesis that women are evil, inferior, unequal, and unclean.
Contrary to this is the Biblical thesis that men and women are equal in terms of substance and value, privilege and responsibility, function and authority, in all areas of life and leadership, ministry and marriage. This is what Jesus taught, what Creation teaches, and what the Holy Spirit has taught throughout Church history, both individually in the hearts of true Believers, and corporately through Holy Spirit revivals. It is also what Paul teaches in His Epistles, correctly understood.
Now, Eddie has extended and deepened my own Biblical, theological, and historical research in this area, strengthening our understanding of the Biblical truth. I am thrilled! Like me, he has been willing to risk rejection, slander, and misunderstanding to proclaim the Gospel in all of its fullness for the sake of God’s people and His Kingdom.
Eddie first developed the material in this book in a 10-lesson course by the same name. From the beginning, it was clear that he needed to capture his findings in book form, and now he has done this. I know the good fruit will be abundant and will remain, setting free the captives from traditional lies propagated by an ill-informed Church and various socio-religious cultures.
This book comes at a critical time in history. From the time of the Reformation, beginning with Martin Luther’s proclamation of the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, a gradual Restoration of the Biblical Message and the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been occurring. After centuries in the Dark Middle Ages, the Reformation brought Light by putting the Bible in the hands of the masses, with leaders like Martin Luther (1483-1546) and George Fox (1624-1691) introducing a social model in which both girls and boys were educated and taught to read so that they could gain knowledge of Scripture and develop Biblical lifestyles. Scripture in the hands of Believers gave the Holy Spirit substance with which to work, and from that beginning of Reform, have come Revivals, each of which has Restored a strategic Biblical, Gospel doctrine.
Now is the time that God, through informed study of Scripture and the ministry of the Holy Spirit by highly educated Believers, is restoring the truth of Biblical equality. We are honored to do our small—but strategic – part in God’s Big Plan.
As you read this important Bible study, allow the Holy Spirit to birth a greater sense of personal responsibility in you and to awaken new hope in your spirit and soul to fulfil your reason for His having given you both life and New Life. As you do this, men will find freedom from the ungodly load of responsibility imposed on them by unbiblical teaching, while women will find new freedom to walk out God’s will and purpose. You will discover the joy of functioning, not on the basis of gender roles defined by fallen, religious culture, but rather, according to the leading of the Holy Spirit in accordance with your natural and spiritual giftings; your unique, God-given personalities; and your eternally important, God-ordained purpose and commissioning.
If you are truly serious about being a Disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ, this book is for you.

This is the Foreword to Paul, Women and Church, a brand new book by Dr. Eddie Hyatt, available from Amazon in the Kindle format.

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