"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
The thousand-year Byzantine Empire was one of the most powerful and vast empires the world has ever known, and it was Christian. During its lengthy reign, it produced a massive trove of Christian art, architecture, legal jurisprudence, theology and culture. It built, perhaps, the most magnificent church building ever built, the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, which is said to have changed the history of architecture.
the mighty Byzantine Empire fell to Islam in the 15th century and
serves as a reminder to us that we must not trust in our advanced technology, stock
market wealth, or military might, but our trust must be in the Lord. As David
said in Psalm 20:7, Some trust in
chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
did the Byzantine Empire fall to Turkish Ottoman invaders in 1453? I will address
three reasons in this article—three trends that weakened the church and Empire and made both vulnerable to the Islamic invaders. They are (1) The church’s preoccupation with
political power; (2) the loss of personal faith to outward ritual and liturgical formality; and (3) theological rigidity and strife.
Reason #1
Church’s Preoccupation with Political Power
mighty Byzantine Empire began around a.d.
330 when Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to the
small city of Byzantine near the eastern edge of the Empire. There may have
been logistical reasons for making this major move, but ego was obviously
involved for he renamed the city Constantinople after his own name and made it the capital of the Empire. Today, the
city is known as Istanbul.
though he had not been baptized, convened the famous Council of Nicaea in 325
in the nearby city of Nicaea. Although the stated reason was to address the
Arian heresy that denied the full deity of Christ, many historians believe that
Constantine had political reasons for calling this council.
the Empire beginning to unravel, it is likely that Constantine saw Christianity
as the cord by which he could pull the Empire together, for the one common
thread running through all the varied people groups of the Empire was Christianity.
If he could strengthen that cord, it would strengthen and bind together the
thus began favoring the Christians, building them elaborate buildings and
underwriting the salaries of their bishops whom he also exalted into positions
parallel to the provincial governors of the Empire. Hans Kung, the most widely
read Catholic theologian in the world today, says;
used this first council not least to adapt the church organization to the state
organization. The church provinces were to correspond to the imperial
provinces, each with a metropolitan and provincial synod. In other words, the
empire now had its imperial church!
thus became politicized and this continued with increasing intensity with
Constantine’s successors. This led to much political wrangling for church
offices and power, often involving banishments and even death. At the Council
of Ephesus in 449 physical violence broke out and the presiding bishop,
Flavian, died of the wounds received at this council (Eddie Hyatt, Pursuing Power, 52).
was these political pursuits of power that caused Gregory of Nazianzus (325-389), Bishop of Constantinople, to come to disdain church councils. He wrote;
my part, if I am to write the truth, my inclination is to avoid all assemblies
of bishops, because I have never seen any council come to a good end, nor turn
out to be a solution of evils. On the contrary, it usually increases them. You
always find there love of contention and love of power which beggar description
(Eddie Hyatt, Pursuing Power, 52).
such a politicized setting, it is no wonder that the power of the simple
message of Jesus was overlooked. The church and its leaders relied on the political
power of the state to advance its cause rather than the power of the message
itself, which Paul said, is the power of
God to salvation for everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).
preoccupation with political power and the divisions it produced weakened the Church
and the Empire and made both vulnerable to the Muslim invaders. In this
election year, let us remember that a politician will not save us. There must
be a turning to God Himself. Let us remember the words of Isaiah 33:22, For
the Lord is
our judge, the Lord is
our lawgiver, the Lord is
our king; he will save us.
Reason #2
Personal Faith Replaced with Liturgical Formality
Personal Faith Replaced with Liturgical Formality
the politicization of the church there came a corresponding loss of the personal
aspect of the Christian faith. Instead of a heart relationship with God through
faith in Christ, Christianity became institutionalized and formalized. Gifts of
the Spirit that flowed freely in the New Testament Church were gradually replaced
with outward form and ritual.
initiated the construction of church buildings to accommodate the religious
gatherings of Christians, who had previously gathered primarily in homes. The
architecture of these new buildings, with their elevated throne-like seating at
the front for the bishop and rows of seating for the congregation, made significant
congregational involvement impractical. In addition, the liturgy and worship
style, once plain and personal, were now adorned with the pomp and practice of
the Imperial court.
inspired in part by both Old Testament and pagan precedents, began wearing
distinctive clothing to indicate their superior rank. Kung says;
were accorded secular titles, insignia and privileges which up to then had been
reserved for the emperor or high officials: candles, incense, a throne, shoes,
the maniple, the pallium and so on (Hyatt, PursuingPower, 49).
far the church had removed itself from Jesus! And the institutionalization
continued resulting in the church becoming more and more a complex religious
system with a multitude of offices, titles and regulations, all foreign to the
New Testament.
The formalizing and ritualizing of the church’s worship marked the end of dynamic gatherings where Spiritual
gifts would flow freely in the congregation. A. J. Gordon, Baptist
pastor and founder of Gordon College in Boston, was correct when he wrote;
is not altogether strange that when the Church forgot her citizenship in heaven
and began to establish herself in luxury and splendor on earth, she should
cease to exhibit the supernatural gifts of heaven (Hyatt, 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity, 36).
a church with the strength and vitality of a personal, dynamic faith in Jesus, the
Empire found itself weakened and vulnerable when Islam came with its armies. I
confess that I am alarmed when I see how Europe and North America have dispensed with a Christian world-view and replaced it with a secularist mindset that denies objective
truth and attempts to be accepting of everyone and critical of no one. Such a politically-correct mindset cannot withstand the millions of Muslims who are committed to an
Islamic world-view and dedicated to imposing that world-view on the rest of humanity.
Reason #3
Doctrinal Rigidity & Strife
Doctrinal Rigidity & Strife
The church’s rise to political affluence and power marked the beginning of many fierce doctrinal battles. Free from the threat of persecution and enjoying the favor of the emperor, church leaders now gave their attention to theological questions that usually became litmus tests of one’s orthodoxy.
Many violent struggles ensued, producing sharp divisions in the church. Basil of Caesarea, bishop of Cappadocia (a.d. 370–379), likened it to a great naval battle being fought by men who “cherish a deadly hate against one another.” He wrote;
But what storm at sea was ever so wild and fierce as this tempest of the churches. In it every landmark of the Fathers has been moved; every foundation, every bulwark of opinion has been shaken; everything buoyed up on the unsound is dashed about and shaken down. We attack one another. If our enemy is not the first to strike us, we are wounded by the comrade at our side (Eddie Hyatt, 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity, 36).
One of the most famous and destructive doctrinal controversies was over the filoque clause in the creed of the Roman (Western) Church. After Constantine removed the government apparatus of the empire to Constantinople, the Roman bishop (later known as the pope) filled the power vacuum that was left with claims of supremacy. There thus developed a rivalry between Old Rome and the New Rome of Constantinople, and this rivalry was expressed in conflicting claims of authority and in doctrinal controversies such as the filoque controversy.
Filoque means “and from the Son” and the Western Church, centered in Rome, confessed the Holy Spirit to have proceeded from both the Father and the Son. The Eastern Church, based in Constantinople, insisted that the Holy Spirit proceeded only from the Father.
This seemingly trivial doctrinal difference became a major source of strife and division and eventually led (along with political strife) to a formal division of East and West when, in 1054, Rome and Constantinople formally excommunicated each other.
Both were drastically weakened by this separation but Byzantine would suffer the most from this division. When the Ottoman Turks began rattling their swords toward Constantinople in the fifteenth century, the city, in desperation, signed an agreement with Rome in which it agreed to recognize the authority of the pope in return for Rome’s help against the Turks.
But when the Muslim invaders attacked the city, Rome did not send help and after a long siege the great city of Constantinople fell to the Muslim invaders. For three days the city was plundered and many of its inhabitants slaughtered. Priceless art and manuscripts were destroyed. Magnificent churches were turned into mosques and all Christians who were unwilling to convert to Islam were placed under a heavy tax known as the jizya. The great Byzantine Empire came to an end after a thousand years of existence. The region--now present day Turkey—is under Islamic control to this day.
How We Must Respond
do not write this to create fear, but to inculcate a seriousness and soberness
about the time in which we live. I write that we might learn from the past and
not repeat the same mistakes and suffer a similar fate. I write this to
hopefully inspire Christians to rise up and be the church. It is not enough to “find”
a church or “go” to church; this is a time when we must “be” the church. Only a strong and vibrant Christianity will save America and the world.
This is why the need is not bigger church buildings and better programs. Byzantine had magnificent church buildings and beautiful liturgies, but these things did not suffice in the day of trouble. We must have a genuine Spiritual awakening that restores sanity and truth to the churches and the nations. Only the truth will set us free and only the truth presented in the power of the Holy Spirit will change the hearts of Muslims all over the world for whom Christ died and rose again. Join with me and others in praying for such an Awakening in America and around the world.
This is why the need is not bigger church buildings and better programs. Byzantine had magnificent church buildings and beautiful liturgies, but these things did not suffice in the day of trouble. We must have a genuine Spiritual awakening that restores sanity and truth to the churches and the nations. Only the truth will set us free and only the truth presented in the power of the Holy Spirit will change the hearts of Muslims all over the world for whom Christ died and rose again. Join with me and others in praying for such an Awakening in America and around the world.
This article was derived from the books 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity and Pursuing Power, both by Dr. Eddie L. Hyatt and available from Amazon and from his website at http://www.eddiehyatt.com/bookstore.html. Learn more about his ministry and his vision for another Great Awakening by visiting his website at www.eddiehyatt.com

Drs. Eddie & Susan Hyatt
Drs. Eddie & Susan Hyatt

Drs. Eddie & Susan Hyatt
Drs. Eddie & Susan Hyatt
Great article, very sobering
ReplyDelete"I write this to hopefully inspire Christians to rise up and be the church. It is not enough to “find” a church or “go” to church; this is a time when we must “be” the church."...............
ReplyDeleteThe bible is the most read book on the planet. The play Hamlet is one of if not the most popular theatrical production on the planet with a performance starting somewhere in the world every minute..."to be or not to be...." is indeed the inescapable choice. One tragedy eclipses Hamlet and that is for even one soul to remain in servitude of busyness with it's incessant shining old vain pursuits under choking cloaked deceit of the simple truth that not making the choice "to be or not to be" is itself, a choice. Do not be deceived by the propaganda; there are no bystanders.
Psalm 46:10
10 "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."
Jeremiah 6:15
15 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the Lord.
Psalm 46:10
10 "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."