Saturday, May 11, 2024


During an intense three-month battle for my health, the words of Jesus concerning the woman who had been bent over for 18 years became a significant source of faith and encouragement that catapulted me into complete victory (Luke 13:10-16). Jesus said that she “ought” to be healed and the Greek word from which “ought” is translated is edei, a very strong word that speaks of “necessity” and could be translated as “must.”

My Fiery Furnace

Beginning on November 22 of last year,  I was suddenly hit with a series of health challenges that began with a serious bladder infection followed by an enlarged prostate that completely blocked my urinal flow. This resulted in six visits to the ER, three visits to a urologist, and having six different catheters inserted before the urologist finally decided to do surgery. This was followed a urinary tract infection that hospitalized me for one week and delayed prostate surgery. This was followed by the Covid virus which delayed the surgery a second time. I finally had prostate surgery on February 27.

Now, three months later, I can testify that I am in better health than before going through this fiery furnace. My faith is also stronger, and I am more convinced than ever that God wants His people well. Jesus’ words to the bent-over woman in Luke 13:10-16, that she “ought” to be healed, played a major role in building my faith for a complete recovery.

Jesus Explained Why She “Ought” to be Healed

Beginning at Luke 13:10 we read the story of Jesus teaching in a synagogue one Sabbath day and a woman was there who had been bent over for eighteen years, caused by a spirit of infirmity. Jesus called out to her and said, Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity. He then laid His hands on her and she was made straight and began glorifying God.

The ruler of the synagogue was angry because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath. He exhorted the people that there are six days for people to work and come and be healed on any of them, and not on the Sabbath day. Jesus responded by calling the ruler of the synagogue a “hypocrite” and then said,

Does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or donkey from the stall, and lead it away to water it? So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound—think of it—for eighteen years be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?

Jesus, first of all, presents a logical argument for why this woman ought to be healed, and he uses a Hebrew form of argument known as Kal Vechomer, meaning “from the lighter to the heavier.” The lighter premise, which they all accepted, was that it was right to loose their animals from the stall on the Sabbath and lead them away to water. Jesus then moves them to the weightier conclusion by pointing out that if this is the case with animals, then how much more should this woman, whom Satan had bound, be loosed from her bond on the Sabbath day. This was a powerful Kal Vechomer argument.

Jesus then gave the Biblical basis for why she “ought” to be healed, pointing out that she was a "daughter of Abraham." As a daughter of Abraham, she was a rightful heir to the covenant blessings promised to Abraham and his descendants (Genesis 12:1-3), which obviously included healing.

That Abraham had a healing ministry was made clear when Abimelech, King of Gerar, took Sarah into his harem after Abraham told him Sarah was his sister. Suddenly, all the women of Abimelech’s family and kingdom became barren and unable to have children.

Genesis 20:7 tells of God appearing to Abimelech in a dream and rebuking him for taking Sarah. He then said to him, Now therefore, restore the man’s wife; for he is a prophet and he will pray for you and you will live. Genesis 20:17 says, Then Abraham prayed to God and God healed Abimelech, his wife and his female slaves, so they could have children again.

The words of Jesus concerning this woman, reveal that being a daughter of Abraham brought more than the mere right or privilege of being healed. It created a necessity and obligation. In the words of Jesus, she “ought” or “must” be loosed from the bondage of Satan on the Sabbath day.

I Told God that I “Ought” to be Healed

I recall lying in the hospital bed day after day with an intravenous tube inserted in my left arm and a catheter inserted up my urethral tube and unable to turn to the right or left. But in that condition, I meditated on this passage for hours and found my spirit lifted and my heart overflowing with gratitude and praise.

I also reminded myself and the Lord of Galatians 3:29, which reads, And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. I would say to the Lord,

Lord, I “ought” to be healed for I am a son of Abraham through faith in Jesus the Messiah. Healing is as much mine as the bent-over woman in Luke 13, and even more so, for through faith in Jesus, I am also a son of Almighty God. Lord, I “ought” to be healed!

God brough me through the urinary tract infections and Covid and I was able to go home, but still wearing a catheter. The day arrived for my surgery and Sue drove me to the hospital at 5:30 am with my heart at rest and my mind at peace. I was convinced that I “ought” to be healed. 

When the surgeon walked in I said to him, “I am here in great peace today, for I have great confidence in God and I have great confidence in you.” He responded by stepping to my bedside, taking my hand and praying in the name of Jesus for a successful procedure.

It was a successful procedure and I was released the following day. As I walked out the front door of the hospital, I felt that all of nature was praising God. Indeed, while in the hospital I had asked God if there was a particular Scripture for me for this time. Immediately, Isaiah 55:12 had come to mind, which reads,

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;
The mountains and hills will burst into song before you,

And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

That has been my experience. My heart today is overflowing with thanksgiving for what the Lord has done. At 77 years of age, I have returned to my daily two-mile prayer walks and I am in better health now than before this ordeal. I just had my regular Veterans Administration physical, and the doctor said I am doing great and have no need of any medications.  Hallelujah!

My Word to You

Having gone through this ordeal, I am more convinced than ever that God wants His people well: physically, mentally, financially, and in every area of life. So, if you are suffering ill health in any area of life, and you are a child of God through faith in Jesus, “You 'ought' to healed!”

Put your case in His hands. If you do not see an instantaneous miracle, don’t be discouraged. Delay does not mean denial. Mediate on His goodness and trust Him to show you His personalized plan for your healing. Trust him to guide you to the right medical people who will help you regain your health. 

Meditate on Luke 13:10-16. Read it over and over. Incorporate it into your conversations with God. Remind yourself continually that you too are a son or daughter of Abraham through faith in Jesus, and that you “ought to be healed!”

Dr. Eddie Hyatt is an author, revivalist, and Bible teacher. His books on how America was birthed out of the Great Awakening are very timely for this critical time in the nation's history. 1726: The Year that Defined America, and others, are available from Amazon and his website at

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