Genesis 3:15 reads, I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He will bruise your head, and you will bruise His heel.
These words were spoken by God to the serpent after the fall of our first parents. The "seed of the woman" in this passage is an allusion to a future descendant of Eve who will defeat the serpent and reverse the curse brought on by his deception.

This is a prophecy that clearly anticipates the future virgin birth of Christ—a birth in which the seed of a man is not involved. The great Methodist theologian, Adam Clarke, wrote, "The seed of the woman is to come by the woman, and her alone without the concurrence of man."
According to this prophecy, the "seed of the woman" will receive a temporary wound from Satan—"you will bruise His heel"—but the "seed of woman" shall inflict on Satan a final and mortal wound—"He will bruise your head."
This Messianic promise has been fulfilled through the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and through His death and resurrection. God's plan succeeded! The seed of woman has crushed the serpent's head. Satan is defeated! Hallelujah!
Derived from Christmas is for Real, available from Amazon and our website at www.ediehyyatt,com.
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